Trabzon, Turkey

April 21, 2010

We arrived on a cool, dreary morning with rain in the forecast.  The ship docked near a waterfront shopping area.  The town seemed to go straight uphill from the waterfront.  We were told there would be a shuttle to the main square of town.  It looked pretty close on the map, but it was straight uphill.
We took the shuttle to the square and walked around looking at shops.  There were more shops than street vendors for a change.  The town was much more “civilized” than the previous couple of stops.  We bought some nuts and socks, wandering further and further afield and further down the hill until we found ourselves back at the waterfront.  By this time, it had started to rain – not hard, but annoying since we had brought neither umbrellas nor raincoats.
Once at the waterfront, we could see the Prinsendam, but there seemed to be no way to get across a very busy divided highway to get to the ship.  We decided to walk back up to the bus.  We were doing pretty well until we came to a long flight of stairs and Mrs. Brown started to waver.  However, we made it, and found our bus a few blocks later.
The town was fun, but the cities we see are starting to look pretty much the same, at least as far as the stores and streets are concerned.
That evening we went to the special “Indian Food Night” at the Pinnacle Grill.  I was really looking forward to a night with good Indian food.  Unfortunately, I was very disappointed.  The pace of the meal was extremely slow since they wished to serve everyone each course at the same time.  In my opinion, they did not have sufficient staff to pull it off.  The food was good, but not great, and the portions were quite small.


Trabzon Photos